Meet Our Leadership

As a volunteer organization, the Minnesota 100 Club is led by a small group of members who serve as the Board of Directors.  These Board Members have pledged their unwavering commitment to support the families of First Responders who have been seriously injured or killed in the line of duty.

Executive Committee

Mark Kuzma
Mark KuzmaPresident
Tom Brace
Tom BraceVice Presdient
Bill Kozlak
Bill KozlakTreasurer
DeeDee Jankovich
DeeDee JankovichSecretary
Mike Kokesh
Mike KokeshMember at Large
Julie Gotham
Julie GothamExecutive Director

Board Members

Stephen FoertschBoard Director
Gloria FreemanBoard Director
Austin McDowellBoard Director
Dave MoranBoard Director
Lalainia (Lanee) NoblePast President
Brian PellowskiBoard Director
George PeytonBoard Director
Wesley RobertsonBoard Director
Adam SwierczekBoard Director
Sheriff DaWanna WittBoard Director

Show Support To Our Fallen Heroes